Design/Engineering Services for Rehabilitation of East Island Bridge Tidal Gates & Dosoris Pond

Design/Engineering Services for Rehabilitation of East Island Bridge Tidal Gates & Dosoris Pond header
Design/Engineering Services for Rehabilitation of East Island Bridge Tidal Gates & Dosoris Pond header
Design/Engineering Services for Rehabilitation of East Island Bridge Tidal Gates & Dosoris Pond header


LKB was retained by the City of Glen Cove to provide engineering services at the East Island Bridge over Dosoris Pond, a tidal waterbody located along the City of Glen Cove’s north shore. The East Island Bridge is a historic, three-span stone arch bridge, originally constructed in 1929 by the family of J. P. Morgan.

LKB prepared a report and construction documents for repairs to the piers, abutments, and tidal gates. In addition, we have prepared plans for the restoration of the shoreline areas adjacent to the East Island Bridge and along Dosoris Pond that have been disturbed and/or have suffered from severe erosion. This includes the implementation of green infrastructure such as rain gardens and bioswales to collect stormwater to help maintain erosion control and improve water quality.

Dosoris Pond is currently listed as a NYSDEC Section 303 (d) Impaired Water Body, meaning the water becomes stagnant and cannot clean itself out. The main pond outlet to the Long Island Sound is via three sets of tidal gates located at East Island Bridge. The tidal gate system has deteriorated over the years, and due to broken cables and connections from excessive tides and storm surge, the gates became inoperable and were not set properly. In addition, the excessive tides have contributed to erosion of the adjacent wingwalls. The repair of the tidal gates was essential to this rehabilitation project as they control the flow of water in and out of the pond.

In accordance with a NYSDEC funding grant, the City of Glen Cove retained LKB to restore the existing tidal gates and shoreline areas adjacent to the Bridge and along Dosoris Pond that have been disturbed and/or have suffered from severe erosion. In addition, to help maintain erosion control and improve water quality, LKB has created a living shoreline by implementing green infrastructure techniques including three bioretention gardens and soil stabilization using native plantings, erosion control blankets, coir logs and rip rap of disturbed areas both at the bridge and in the Pryibil Beach area.

This project was recently completed with LKB providing construction support and inspection services. One of the challenges of this project was to have all work elements to be done at low tide. Work included soil stabilization and plantings of almost 25,000 plugs. The contractor restored the wingwalls and repointed all stone facades and installed slope stabilization. They cleaned the tide gates, performed steel repairs, and replaced the hardware required to control the gates. Now that they are repaired and functioning, the City can open the gates as desired and will be able to control the water volume during big storm events.

Under a previous federally funded project for the City of Glen Cove, LKB prepared the preliminary and final plans and provided construction support for the rehabilitation of the East Island Bridge. Work included in-depth inspection, preparation of a Design Approval Document, and preliminary and final design plans. LKB worked closely with both the City of Glen Cove Department of Public Works and NYSDOT’s liaison for this Locally Administered Federal Aid Project (LAFAP) to expedite the reconstruction of the bridge, which required the replacement of the original steel stringers with precast/prestressed concrete slab beams.

Because of its association with J.P. Morgan, the bridge was nominated to the State/National Register of Historic Places. During the study phase of the project, a Stage 1A cultural resources survey was conducted. The report was reviewed by New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYSOPRHP). In addition to the bridge itself, their review indicated that the project site might be sensitive for prehistoric and historic subsurface resources. Additional information detailing the proposed work was subsequently forwarded to the NYSOPRHP. Based upon the plans produced by LKB, NYSOPRHP determined that they no longer had archeology concerns relating to the project.


Glen Cove, NY


City of Glen Cove

